Spiders are an air-breathing group of animals called “arachnids” that have eight legs and jaws with fangs that are able to inject venom.
Arachnids are creatures with two body segments, eight legs, no wings or antennae and are not able to chew. Spiders have no extensor muscles in their limbs and instead extend their limbs by hydraulic pressure.
Spiders are not insects. Spiders, while sharing certain features with insects, differ because arachnids sport only two body segments while insects have a head, thorax and an abdomen, besides only 6 legs compared with the eight legs of spiders.
Wolf Spider, Photo by John Jackman
While the venom of a few species is dangerous to humans, scientists are now researching the use of spider venom in medicine and as non-polluting pesticides. All spiders are predators and many will eat other spiders.
Most spiders that people encounter in daily life have jaws with fangs that point diagonally forward and cross in a pinching action. Other kind’s arachnids have jaws with fangs which point straight down and do not cross each other.
Spiders are often classified by the number of eyes and eye arrangement. The eye arrangement gives clues to the spiders’ hunting styles. Spiders have eight eyes or less. In general, web building spiders have bad eyesight, while hunting spiders have good eyesight which see their prey during moonless nights. Some spiders have up to four rows of eyes and there are 25 different arrangements of spider’s eyes.
How do you tell the sex of a spider? You look at the palps, the appendages near the mouthparts. The male has large palps with bulbous ends which look like boxing gloves. He uses these to deposit sperm into the female. In comparison the female has long thin palps.
Garden Spider
Spider webs are made of spider silk
Spiders’ silk is a material made from proteins and spun through special organs inside their bodies, to create their webs, which help them travel around. Some use the silk as an anchor for jumping, and others use it to float along in the wind.
A spider has numerous silk glands that can produce different types of silk for different uses and can have different properties. For example some spider silk is sticky and some is not. Here is a short list of spider silk uses: to capture prey, to immobilize prey, for reproduction, for travel, for nest construction, as guidelines of webs, as anchor lines of webs, as alarm lines of webs, and to attract the opposite sex to find a mate.
Spider silk is famous for its strength and durability and some types of silk can stretch up to five times their original length. The silk is liquid but solidifies into an extremely resilient strand when it contacts air. It is not squirted out, but pulled out, by a spider’s leg or anchored to a twig.
Orb Spider Web
A spider either ambushes, actively hunts or uses a web to catch its prey. An interesting fact about spiders is there is no consistent relationship between the classification of spiders and the types of web they build. Some species of spiders in the same genus may build very similar or significantly different webs.
All spiders make silk but only about half of the known spider species catch prey by means of webs. The Ogre-Faced, Bolas, Saltids, Lynx and other spider families are just some types of spiders that do not build webs.
The cob or tangle web often looks messy, but there’s a strategy.
This irregular looking web tangle is secured in place with strands of high-tension catch threads that are lined with sticky droplets.
A crawling or flying insect breaks a tension/catch strand and is drawn up into the collapsing web.
funnel web
A funnel web is impressive to see. A sheet of web spans the entire exterior with a small funnel-like tube leading to a silken burrow in which the spider hides.
The entire web is used to entangle the prey.
The spider waits in the funnel for prey to fall onto the horizontal web. When the web vibrates it rushes out, grabs the prey, and takes it back to the funnel to consume.
Orb web
Orb webs are wheel-shaped webs designed to capture flying insects. The ladder like frame is made of durable silk, while the spokes are made of an elastic capture thread which is lined with sticky droplets to secure the prey.
The classic wheel web is the shape most people associate with spiders, however the majority of spiders build non-orb webs and many spin no webs at all.
Sheet Web
Sheet webs are deadly hammocks, strung across grass or leaves.
Above this matt of webs are crisscrossing sticky threads which trip a flying insect into the hammock below.
Arrow Shaped Spider
The Micrathena sagittata is a small outdoor spider is commonly found in the woods in the month of August.
The Arrow spider is one of the few spiders which bite their prey first and then wrap the insect up in silk to eat later.
This orb web spider builds a spoked wheel-shaped web to capture its prey. The frame or lattice threads are made of durable silk, while the spokes are elastic threads lined with sticky droplets to secure its meal.
Flower crab spider
The spider family Thomisidae, commonly known as Flower Crab Spiders, is often sighted in gardens and woods during the month of May
These spiders do not build webs to trap prey; instead they sit on or beside flowers and grab passing insects.
Their bite is not poisonous to humans; it is similar to a bee sting.
Garden Spider
Black and yellow orb-weaver spider spins enormous web with thick zigzag strands in the center, they are part of the Araneidae family.
You can often see its spoke wheel shaped web near plants or in the garden in September and October.
This spider builds a new, flat web every day. Generally, towards evening, the spider will consume the old web, rest for approximately an hour and then spin a new web in the same general location.
The females are larger than the males. This spider tends to be active during the evening hours; they hide for most of the day.
Grass spider
The Agelenopsis is a fast moving spider that will wait until insects wander into the funnel web and get tangled and then the spider will pounce.
In general, the bigger the web usually means the bigger the spider. These funnel webs are most visible after a rain, when the water clings to the silk web and reflects the light.
This spider produces silk for constructing the web, producing a dragline from the web and protecting its eggs.
Wolf Spider
This hairy and fast moving outdoor spider is a wanderer and can be found in a forest or garden in the month of June.
They are members of the family Lycosidae. Look for it on the ground or on low plants after dark.
This spider lives mostly in solitude and is a robust hunter. It seeks out and very quickly attacks insects instead of spinning a web to trap their prey.
They will bite you, but you must provoke them. Their venom is not a medical threat.